Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our New Years Resolutions

Goodbye 2009! Hello 2010!

Tonight is New Years Eve and we will be sharing it with our beautiful daughter and great friends. We have had many discussions over the past few weeks about what we want next year to hold for us. February 25th, 2010 we will have been married for one year! February 12th, 2010 I will be turning 22 which is bitter sweet considering I already feel old but my family makes me feel younger and younger everyday. September 11th, 2010 we will have been together 2 years. October 2nd, 2010 our beautiful baby girl will be one year old *tear*. December 1st, 2010 my hubby will be 23... what an old man! lol December 9th, 2010 our other daughter will be 4yrs old...she is such a big girl and almost ready for school! These are just the definite events that lay ahead for 2010 but I'm sure there will be plenty more.

But in light of negative events that have occuried this past year, we want to make sure they do not occur again and we want to learn from our mistakes in order to better ourselves as a couple and as parents. This is the whole reason for new years resolutions right? So after our many discusions we have finally came up with our new years resolutions.

We are going to concentrate on our little family first and foremost! We are going to spend as much time with each other and our baby girl before he will be deploying January 2011. We are going to push aside the drama queens and surround ourselves with only the people that love and respect us as a family. I am going to start back school for nursing this January and hope to be finished by the end of 2011! My hubby is going to choose what he wants to re-enlist as in the Navy for when he returns from deployment. We will no longer be bothered by other people's immaturity and lack of self-respect, because in the end we will always have each other and our baby girl at the end of the day.

These are our new years resolutions that we intend to stand by throughout this upcoming year! We send everyone our love for this Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cassidy's First Shopping Trip

Today, Cassidy and I went on our first shopping trip since Daddy had duty all night. She has been stuffed up the past couple of days, so I assumed that the fresh air would help clear her up alittle. So I got her all snuggled up and cute as always and and ready to go shopping! She is in training for one of memaw's many girl's day out shopping trips!! We went to Babies-r-us and got a humidifier and of course an outfit or two before we headed to the mall. Then it was mommy's turn to do some much needed clothes shopping with our christmas money and gift cards! Normally, she sleeps through every outting we have had so far, but this time she decided that she would definitely participate! She had everyone oogling over how cute she is and how small she is for her age and she ate it up...cooing and smiling and kissy faces! She is a little stinker! By the time we got home, she was more than ready for her bottle and apparently shopping literally pooped her out! lol She had a major poop diaper that overflowed out of the diaper! Definitely the highlight of our day!
*all ready to go shoppingwith mommy!

*kisses for my little bit!*finally pooped out after a 4hr shopping trip!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our First Christmas

This christmas was a christmas of firsts... Our first christmas being married, Cassidy's first christmas, and our first christmas as a family!! We had a great christmas, if I must say so myself! It was nice to just have us 3 here at home for a quiet and relaxing christmas together. The hubby and I challenged each other to see who had the better stocking stuff from 'Santa' I must say that he did a great job, but I think I won! Cassidy was not a happy camper with us waking her up to come see what all she got for christmas. I definitely can't wait until next year when we can really play 'Santa' with her! I would have to say my favorite present that I got, other than the brand new laptop, would have to be the bracelet that the hubby got me. It is 10k white gold bracelet with Zack, Sam, & Cassidy engraved on each link with our birthstones beside our names. It is beautiful and I wanted to cry. The hubby's fav is his mossy oak clemson sunglasses by far, even over his new digital camera! The hubby passed out the gifts and after we were done opening all of them, I got started on christmas dinner! We had ham, corn, lima beans, and macaroni & cheese and for desert we had homemade white chocolate macadamia nut cookies! It was delicious if I must say so myself! Here are some of my pics of our first christmas together as a family!
*Cassidy all ready for Santa to come!*Yeah! Santa came!
*all of my gifts

*All the hubby's gifts!

*Cassidy and her gifts! Not happy about being woke up! lol

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cassidy's Homecoming

My baby girl is finally home!! I'm so excited, or more should I say we are excited, to finally have her home to enjoy and love. I can finally irritate her for all the hard kicks in the middle of the night when she was in my tummy. Pay back is a pain! lol We had the christmas decor up for her to come home to and she was so excited to come home I couldn't get her to go to sleep for hours!

Her first night was alittle restless since I was not happy that our room was colder than it needed to be for her so we slept in the living room, me and her in the chair and daddy on the couch. She has been eating great since she got home minus the occasional spitting up when she burps, but she only has one problem... she is now constipated! lol I guess all the excitement and big changes pooped her out! She hasn't pooped since we left the hospital so I gave her alittle prune juice in her formula at 3pm so we shall see how she does in a few hours.

She has a doctor's appointment next week and on the 7th so we will know how much weight she's gained being home in a few days. But I can't wait to take her to see Santa next week!
*Cassidy all ready to come home!
*Cassidy in her bouncer
*Our christmas tree...she loves the lights!
*Our stockings ready for Santa!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cassidy's Nursery

Since the baby shower, I have slowly by surely gotten Cassidy's nursery organized and put together. There are still a few things on the floor, but for the most part it's organized. The funny thing is that the only thing I have left to get her is bottles! lol of all the things that are usually left on the list of "things left to get the baby", her's only says bottles. So I will make an effort to do that here soon!

*Her winnie the pooh decorated crib! She might be alittle small for it for now but she'll grow into it soon enough.

*Her bed for a little while til she gets big enough for her crib!

*Only half of her clothes, the rest are in the 2 boxes and in her dresser! Preemie to 3T!

*Her organized closet... probably wont be when she gets home so might as well enjoy it now!

Happy Halloween

I know it's been a while since halloween, but I couldn't help but want to show off my cute little pumpkin! Literally.... she was a pumpkin for halloween! lol and the cutest one I've ever seen might I add. We got her outfit at her baby shower from her aunt maymay and it was a size newborn but I washed and dryed it a few times. It was still alittle big but she was so cute! Just wait for the thanksgiving outfit I got... it fits perfectly with our "fat kid" family! lol

Cheraw Baby Shower

I know this post is almost a month late but we have been very busy with little Miss Cassidy being in the hospital and all. Her baby shower is Cheraw, SC was October 22, 2009 at my favorite Mexican restaurant ever, Fiesta Tapita. My mom did a great job decorating and hosting the baby shower. Too Cute!! Cassidy got some super cute things and we are very greatful for everyone's support and encouragment. We are more than ready for her to come home and we can't wait to see her in all of her cute clothes!! Here are a few pics of the shower:

*The cutest baby cake ever! 10 layer chocolate cake yum yum!

*She definitely got a big haul! Thanks everyone for their gifts!
*This girl has more clothes than a super model! She literally won't need clothes for another 2 years! Thanks for all the super cute oufits!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 1 in the NICU

It has now been one week since my sweet baby girl was born! She is already growing up so fast! I can honestly say this week has been the hardest for us, especially me. Everyday we go to see her, it gets harder and harder to leave. She always does something new everytime we come in to see her...she is just a ham! lol I love to the way grins when we talk to her and wraps those long fingers around her daddy's finger and hope she always has to be sprawled out when she sleeps. She is definitely our little monkey!

This entire week so has been a complete overachiever! She started eating 2.5cc the beginning of the week and now she is up to 5cc! She isn't using her tanning bed anymore and she is pooping regularly! I got to hold her for the first time yesterday and it melted my heart. She even got to breathe without her little air nose thingy for a whole hour! (the air nose thingy just blows a small amount of air through her nose to make sure her lungs stay open..just alittle breathing assistance but she breaths on her own) She went from weighting 2.2lbs to now weighting in at 2.5lbs! She will definitely be fat and sassy in no time!!

I'm hoping if she keeps up the good work, she won't have to be there for too long. I'm crossing my fingers she gets to come home before thanksgiving. I would be more than thankful for the blessing. Words can not express how proud I am of her and all of her little accomplishments! She has definitely stolen my heart and I can not begin to describe how great it feels to be a mommy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cassie's BabyBlog

I have started a BabyBlog for Miss Cassidy Jo to keep everyone updated on her progress and to display pics as well. I'm doing it like a journal so every night I will post a journal entry of her progress for the day. Feel free to share the website with as many people that would enjoy following Cassie's progress. We appreciate all the support we can get for our little angel!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cassidy Jo Kelly

This week has been amazingly hectic and overwhelming that I'm not sure where to really start. Tuesday I was admitted into the hospital for mild preclampsia because my blood pressure was 187/128 and I was at risk of having seizures. I was sent to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital and had tests run for 3 days to monitor mine and Cassie's progress. Everything seemed fine and I was almost discharged home when they preformed a stress test on Cassie Friday morning and it seemed her heart rate was not fluctuating and her movement had decreased. They decided to do an emergency C-section to make sure Cassie was ok and the preclampsia had not gotten to her. Everything had went so fast and I was going from getting discharged and hoping Cassie would not want to get here for another 2-4 weeks to becoming a mommy in 10 minutes!

While preforming the C-section, they realized what the initial problem was. The placenta had seperated from the uterus due to the preclampsia and Cassie was not getting the blood flow and oxygen she needed. She was exhausted and on her last leg when they got her out just in time. God was definitely watching over us that day!

Cassidy Jo Kelly was born Friday, October 2, 2009 @ 1:29pm weighting 2.2lbs and 15in long! She is now in NICU and is the biggest baby there! lol She is doing amazing and is breathing on her own. Zack says she looks just like me and is just as fiesty! She does not like to be messed with and as long as you lay her on her tummy and give her her pacifier she is content! lol Words can not describe my love for her and I know she will pull through with flying colors. Just when you think you know the beauty of true love, here comes the most beautiful little girl in the world to completely change your perspective on love! That little girl has mine and her daddy's hearts wrapped around her finger and we haven't even held her yet. I will be posting new blogs here on her progress so you all will know how she is doing week to week until she gets to come home! Although I know God is watching over her, please keep us in your prayers for our long journey ahead!

Monday, September 28, 2009

*29* weeks down!!

29 weeks down! 11 to go!!

Wow so much has went on in the past week I think my head is still spinning! Last week was definitely hectic and was not filled with much sleep at all. One night I woke up with an terrible pain in my left side that had me balling out crying and unable to walk, but after I called the doctor the next morning they told me that she was on a nerve which caused the pain and told me to make sure I change positions in the middle of the night so she wont lay so long on one side considering she is losing room to squirm around. She is definitely one to make her presence known! Zack got to see her face through my tummy one night when she pushed her head up like she has been doing a lot here lately. We can now also add swollen feet and ankles to the list of things I hate about being preggo. Last night was a little scary because when we got back home from our trip to SC, we noticed that my feet, ankles, and legs were swollen really bad! I proped my legs up for the night and they went down a little this morning but when I got up to go to the bathroom and to eat breakfast they had swelled again. After checking my blood pressure and noticing that it was elevated too high, I called the doctor and, to cut a long medical story short, she told me I was being put on bed rest until my doctor's appointment on thursday and to keep my blood pressure monitored. The hubby has been amazing about taking care of me and I would probably be pulling my hair out if it wasn't for him! Hopefully my appointment on Thursday will be positive and things will sort themselves out for the better. We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping these next few weeks will go by fast cuz we are so ready to see our beautiful baby girl!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Diaper Cakes

Well I think I've found a new hobbie since I've been preggo! I really like being creative and doing different arts & crafts and I guess this has been my new project to occupy my time while we wait on little miss Cassie! I have taken to making baby diaper cakes and for those of you who aren't quite sure what that is, it's a stack of rolled up diapers in the shape of a tier cake and decorated with stuff for the baby. I have made two so far and it has been super fun to do!

I did this Winnie the Pooh one for my baby showers coming up in October, but I made it with stuff that I have already received from different friends and family. Our nursery theme is Winnie the Pooh so I thought it would be super cute to use as a decoration for the baby showers.
I did this one for a friend here in Virginia Beach who is having a little girl, but their nursery theme is safari animals with greens, yellows, and blues. I thought it would be a cute idea to make her diaper cake as a baby gift so she could use everything in the cake for her little girl, Mikayla Leigh.
If anyone would like for me to do one for a friend or for their own baby please let me know cuz I would def. enjoy doing more!

Friday, September 18, 2009

*28* weeks down!

28 weeks down! 12 more to go!

This week has been interesting and weird all at the same time. I've finally gotten the wedding scrapbook done so I am now free to start on Cassie's scrapbook! The hubby has finally finished the crib so I now have time to start decorating the nursery in her cute little winnie the pooh decor! I can't wait til the baby showers so I will know what all I will have to decorate the nursery in! Cassie has definitely decided to make herself 'well' known this week. I can honestly say that I was a little freaked out when she decided to poke her head up out of the top of my tummy a couple of times this week. I'm assuming she has finally filled out what room she has in my tummy and is trying to stretch out a bit! It was also a little weird for Zack when we were taking a shower the other night and he said he could see the outline of where she was curled up under my belly button. It's also a little weird to sit up in bed at night and watch her kick and push either side of my tummy around contorting it into weird shapes. I may say that it feels weird now but I know that when she gets here, that will be the thing I miss the most is her kicking and squirming and feeling her every moment in my tummy. I guess you could call it our bonding time! No new symptoms this week...thank god!! I officially start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks as of Oct. 1st so we will be moving along a little more faster now that we are making our way down the final stretch. This week welcomes the third trimester and I can definitely see the checkered flag!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cassie's Crib

We are now one step closer to little Miss Cassidy Jo's nursery being finished and ready for her arrival. After two days of nagging the hubby, he finally finished putting together Cassie's crib! It looks super cute and you would never know that we got it from Wal-mart. Right about now, me and Wal-mart are definitely BFF! lol Now I can't wait til the baby showers to see what else we get to decorate her nursery in! I'm so ready to be done with it and to see the finished product! The next 2 months are going to go by super fast with all the doctor visits, baby showers, and holidays going on and Cassie will be here before I know it! It's exciting and scary all at the same time, but I'm sure that natural instincts will kick in and help me out when I need it the most! Just cross your fingers...

Doctor Dilemna

For someone like myself who has never been the doctor for anything less than a broken bone, my OBGYN sure is trying to find something wrong with me. I am now 28 weeks preggo and after the doctor visit today, this is now the 4th time they have tried to find something wrong with me! How many things can be wrong with one pregnant lady?!?
It started when I went for my first initial visit to find out how far along I was and they tried to tell me that there was a small amount of liquid above the sack that could be a serious problem... which has now went away and has turned out to be nothing. Then after my 20 week ultrasound to check her growth and to find out that we were having a beautiful baby girl, they decide to call me a few days later to say that they noticed something in the ultrasound that could mean she may have down syndrome! So after a few days of being a complete wreck, Zack and I went to another doctor's visit to have another ultrasound done.. which ended with a full bill of health and some super cute ultrasound pics. Now after not passing the first gestational diabetes testing, I now have to starve myself for 18 hours to have them repeat the sugar drink incident for 3 hours and of course blood work....resulting in 2 highly upset fat kids (Cassie and myself). Today's doctor's visit ended in more scheduled appointments and, yet again, another potiential problem. Apparently I had a high level of protein in my urine which could potientially mean that I have hypertension (although my blood pressure has been amazing since I've been preggo..go figure) so my prize for this accomplishment is....*drum roll*..... I get to pee in a orange bucket for 24 hours then turn it in to LabCorp the next day followed by... yep you guessed it, more blood work! If anything has caused me to have hyperstension it's these doctors trying to find any and everything wrong with me and then finding out that Cassie and I are completely healthy and normal numerous times over. Personally, I think they are trying to milk the military insurance for money at the expense of my nerves. And they wonder why pregnant women are so cranky!!

*results of the two tests will be posted soon*

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The 'One Year' Mark!

Well on Friday, September 11, 2009 we finally hit the 'been together for a year mark'! lol I know that is so high school, but it's always fun to do alittle something cute on that day even if we have known each other for 3 years or so. We have offically been dating a whole year and in 5 more months we will be celebrating our One Year 'married' Anniversary! lol I've got one word for ya...PRESENTS!! and I LOVE presents!! lol if I could get away with making him get me a small present for every single holiday, I would so do it! Maybe I could sweet talk him into red, white, and blue cookies or a cake for 4th of July! lol That was my inner fat kid speaking!

I knew it was going to be a great day when I was woken up by a lady at the door with my anniversary present...a dozen roses and a box of Godiva chocolate! He has officially passed the portion of our relationship where he now knows the way to my heart is through CHOCOLATE! I figured this would be the best time to get ready and start my day by putting the hubby's gift together which was a non-el cheapo back massager, which I will have to say works quite nicely! lol hey, I had to test the product out before I gave it to him to make sure it wasn't faulty or anything! That's called love! I also got him this utility pocket thingy that was a pair of pliers, mini flashlight, screwdriver, knife, bottle opener, and mini saw. Needless to say, he loved his presents almost as much as I was drooling over my chocolate! lol The rest of the day consisted of us going to the mall, eating dinner at Panara bread, and then deciding to go bowling. We haven't went bowling in a long time and this night turned out to be quite interesting! When we got to the bowling alley on base, we had to wait on the bowling league to finish which led us to meet this really cool guy named Lamar and his 3 month old baby boy. Zack's Clemson hat is what triggered this friendship and we learned how he was from Spartenburg, SC and how he was a white country redneck trapped in a black guys body! lol The 3 1/2 of us ended up bowling together til about 1am or so for free because his wife happened to work at the bowling alley. We had a great time, some of us alittle more than others.. *cough..Zachary*, considering I had to drive the huge truck home due to the 3 pitchers of beer my hubby decided to Poor baby was drunk and got sick on the way home... I had to put my poor hubby to bed as soon as we got home. We had alot of fun and made some new friends and Zack finally got to get drunk since I've been preggo. I can only imagine how our One Year 'married' Anniversary is going to be!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

*27* weeks down!!

27 weeks down!! 13 to go!

This week has brought more symptoms that I definitely could have done without! Bye Bye second trimester paradise.. hello third trimester hell :( Oh well guess I'll just roll with the punches...literally! I can now check swollen feet and increased back pain on the list of preggo symptoms I don't enjoy. She has definitely been practicing the fetal position in my tummy with her heavy butt and Daddy's big head weighing down my round tummy. I have a doctor's appointment this coming Thursday for a check-up, so there will be an updated post on that as well. After this next appointment, I think my doctor and I will be moving it to the next stage in our relationship together as we will now be seeing a lot of each other in the weeks to come... every 2 weeks to be specific. I now have the dates and details set for the baby showers and I am super excited to see everyone that I have not seen in a long time even if I won't exactly be the slim cute girl they remember but the Pillsbury doughboy they can poke in the tummy! The baby shower information is as followed:
October 23rd- 6:00pm @ Fiesta Tapatia in Cheraw, SC
October 24th- 12:30pm @ Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority House in Rock Hill, SC

We also finally got our 4in1 crib for little miss Cassie and I can't wait for the hubby to FINALLY put it to come! I can't wait to finally be able to see the finished product of our Winnie the Pooh nursery which I'm having oh so much fun putting together! Hopefully this next week Cassie will just continue to get her cute little baby fat and won't decide to bring on more secret symptoms from Pandora's box!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

*26* weeks down!

26 weeks down! 14 to go!

Well this past week has been full of sugar and spice and not really everything nice! lol Naw it ain't been that bad... aside from Cassie winning her own UFC lightweight championship in my tummy, the increasing back pain, and light cramps everything has just been peachy! Her kicks are getting stronger and she is starting to have some what of a routine with apparently lots of playtime on the schedule! I figured since I'm the one having to endure the agony of her playtime I should be able to join in as well. So we have started to have our own playtimes during the day where she will kick and I will poke in a spot close to it and she will kick where I poked. We call this 'Connect the kicks'! ok I'm cheesy I know but I thought it was cute. Daddy has enjoyed his 'night duty' of rubbing coco butter on my tummy when we go to bed...well except for the times Cassie decides to tell Daddy "hey" with a little kick...he gets a little freaked out when she does She already loves her Daddy's kisses or really hates them cuz she goes nuts in there when Daddy gives her kisses, but we'll go with the more positive of the two! Starting to try and get things together for the baby showers now so I have plenty of time to get everything done on time. I'm hoping next week will be a breeze unless she decides to move up in her training schedule for her next fight...Cassie vs. Mommy's bladder!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Sugar Drink

Hunger pains, needles, and sugar drinks were not the best thing to wake up thinking about today. I would even chalk it up to rolling out of the wrong side of the bed. I thought my insides were going to eat themselves alive when I woke up this morning and all I could picture was Cassie knawing on her umbilical cord in hunger. We finally got to the doctor's office where they hand you a bottle of red fruit punch containing 50 grams of sugar and say "here, chug this and bring it back when your done so we can time you". The last time I heard someone tell me to 'chug' anything liquid was in college so this already put a bad taste in my mouth. It didn't settle too well on an empty stomach, but it apparently put Cassie in a good mood and my image of her had changed to the little squirrel off of Over the Hedge saying "oooo sugar"! They checked Cassie's heartbeat, which is now at 152 beats, and sent me to take a 35 minute cat nap until they decided to take my blood. Cassie left with a clean bill of health and the hubby and I left on empty stomachs searching for any place that sold edible food. We ended up at IHOP which made Cassie super excited for chocolate chip pancakes considering she kept kicking me every 3 minutes in rememberance that she is still hungry. I think 'she' was more of the cranky one today than I was and 'I' was the only one that got stuck with needles!!

The next doctor's appointment is set for September 17th.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Tater Tots & the Blue Pillow

This entry is at request of the hubby... he says it's not fair that I haven't posted the crazy incidents from the past few days up and he feels they should be shared.

We'll start with the 'blue pillow' incident from the other day just to slowly lead up to the craziness that was yesterday's incident. You see.. I have a 'thing' that when I sleep I have to have the flattest pillow ever, ya know the one that has been beaten up and squashed flat a thousand times over just to get it to my comfort level. Earlier that day I had decided it was time to wash the sheets on the bed since they hadn't been washed since we left to go home for the wedding and I replaced them with the spare sheets we have in the linen closet that don't match whatsoever. I 'marked' my flat pillow with the random baby blue pillow case so I would be able to distinguish it from the rest of the pillows when we went to go to bed. However, when we started off to bed that night SOMEONE, aka my sneaky husband, had maliciously taken my 'blue' pillow and curled up in the bed with it. When I proceeded to let him know that it was my pillow he was so comfortably curled up with, he just laughed at me and wouldn't give it back. This triggered my preggo hormones into bitch mode, so I proceeded to pitch a fit by ranting "give me my blue pillow"! Which just apparently turns on my husband's devilish switch because he just laughed hysterically and would not give back my pillow. In the end, I got my 'blue' pillow back by all means necessary...use your imagination!

This leads me to the Tater Tot incident of yesterday. We were out and about yesterday evening going to get DVDs, when we happened to pass a Sonic on the way home. Now throughout this pregnancy, Cassie hasn't requested any weird cravings of any sort, but from time to time she does request a random item of food. Last night, it happened to be tater tots. So I graciously let Zack know of Cassie's request and for him to make an immediate u-turn and direct the vehicle back to Sonic for some tater tots. However; my poorly trained husband has not fully learned that it is not a good idea to upset a pregnant woman, because my hormones, once again, flipped the bitch switch into the 'on' position. I begged and pleaded for him to turn around and go get tater tots... I mean come on, it's not like I was asking for a brand new house or a new puppy or a million dollars... it was just tater tots. So we got all the way home and I, not to mention Cassie, was not happy at all. I decided to channel the 1960's era and stage a sit-in in the car until Zack came back out of our apartment to take us to get tater tots. Finally after about 10 minutes of sitting in the car, my newly-trained husband came and got in the car and took us to get a large order of tater tots at Sonic. Cassie and I were very pleased and satisfied when we went to bed last night, unlike my husband.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Howdy ya'll

Hey guys,
Well I have decided to come out of the caveman days of writing in my journal and finally start a blog about our life. I'm going to post some of my old journal entries on here as well since I started my journal when Zack and I got together. So dont worry even though we've been together for almost a year now I will try to catch ya up and fill ya in!! lol Hope you enjoy reading about our life together as a Navy family!

With love,
Mrs. Kelly<3

Friday, August 28, 2009

*25* weeks down!

25 weeks down... 15 to go!

This home stretch is starting to come alittle faster now! Don't know if I'm quite prepared for all this yet... there is so much left to do: baby shower, organizing the nursery, finishing the checklists, not to mention the actual nightmare of labor! AHH! Well at least I have my amazing hubby who loves to invent new preggo jokes everyday, find new nicknames to call me like Happy Feet and Rolly Polly, pick on my 'waddle', and shake my tummy to wake the karate kid up to help me through the wonderful miracle of child birth...lucky me! The back pain has gotten worse now from all of the 6lbs. I've gained so far and the baby bump has finally gotten tighter. Not to mention the itching belly, leg cramps, being hungry every 30 minutes after getting full off of a sandwich, and the sore and (grossly enough) my fav the lactating boobs. I know, I know too much information but hey you are the one reading this to find out my progress through this miracle of life right? wouldn't want to leave anything out. Got 2 more weeks til I'm done with the paradise portion of pregnancy, the second trimester. Then it's back for round 3 featuring contractions, labor pains, and way too many needles!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Presents!

I absolutely LOVE getting presents and not only did we receive wedding presents but we came home to BABY PRESENTS!!! I felt like a kid at christmas...they weren't for me specifically but they are for the crazy girl in my tummy so I get to enjoy them before she does! lol My Dad and step-mom that live in Arizona have been way too gracious enough to send tons of baby 'goodies' for lil miss Cassie!! We received the Winnie the Pooh stroller and carseat that we wanted and a big box of blankets and burp cloths that she made and baby clothes!! They were all so adorable and it has been super fun putting them all up in her closet...especially since I put the hubby to work cleaning out the spare room for me to decorate the nursery. However, when I was sifting through the clothes, I started noticing they were in all different sizes from 3 months to 18 months. This kinda made my heart sink to let reality sink in that she will grow up fast. It kinda makes me want the next 15 weeks to go by as slow as possible, because the faster she gets here the quicker she will grow up. *tear* but I guess that's just life as a mommy... watching your precious baby girl grow up day by day until she is the beautiful woman you raised her to be. Ok so this is one of my more sentimental entries, but hey life has its laughs and its tears. Live your life, love hard, and laugh much... everything else just falls into place!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Wedding!

After much long distance planning, stress, and migrane headaches; we finally had our beautiful wedding on August 22, 2009! It was very beautiful and thankfully the rain held up until after the ceremony, but it was fun to dance in the rain with my wedding dress and cowboy boots! Gotta live for the moment right? The food was delicious (well what I got to eat of it anyways lol) and the cake was OMG MMmmMM amazing! Not sure how long that top tier is going to last in the freezer! Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed our special day... it was great to share it with our friends and loved ones! Hopefully I'll be getting the professional pics back soon and will be posting them on facebook and myspace so be looking out for those! Now to concentrate on lil Cassie getting here!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cassidy Jo Kelly<3

So we have finally decided on a name for the little girl dancing in my tummy. Her name is going to be Cassidy Jo Kelly! We call her Cassie for short so feel free to adopt the nickname if ya like it or...big feet (memaw's nickname), lil pooh (mom's nickname), or lil shit that kicked me in the nose (Scooter's nickname). I must elaborate on Scooter's nickname for her because I so wished I could have video recorded this incident. So I was sitting up in the bed the other afternoon watching tv and Scooter, as usual, was cuddling up next to me with his head on my tummy. I guess he felt her moving around in my tummy cuz he lifted his head and put his nose to my tummy in curiosity. At this time curiosity got the best of him when she decided to kick (hard) in the same spot his nose happen to be. He cocked his head and started growling at her with the facial expression of "you little shit". LMAO... definitely the highlight of this entire pregnancy!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


So....we found out that we are having a beautiful baby girl!!

Zack is slightly disappointed but is on a mission to talk me into trying again in 2 yrs...not sure about that idea yet! Hell, I haven't even gotten through this one first! My memaw decided to cheer him up with her words of wisdom, "Don't feel bad, you can still teach her any and everything except how to pee on a tree"... thanks grandma! lol I could not believe how much 'she' (sorry daddy, it didn't work!) has grown in 11 weeks! It made things so much more real and to see who has been playing kick boxing inside my tummy for the past 2 weeks was amazing! The hubby didn't believe that she is wide open all day everyday until he saw her on the ultrasound. She wouldn't stay still for nothing! I think she is hiding a boombox in there somewhere the way she was dancing around. Now here comes the pink flowers, butterflies, winnie the pooh, and shot gun shells with her future bf's names all over them! The name game is still in progress but we have come up with some possible winners: Cassidy, Bailey, or maybe Savannah. Kaylee is still my favorite, but I'm going to be nice and let the hubby participate...I mean if I have to :(

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

*20* weeks down!

20 weeks down... 20 more to go!! Half way there!!!

*sigh* finally, half way there... I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Nothing new with the bod except this weird growth on my tummy... oh wait that's a BABY BUMP! The 'inner' fat kid has definitely decided to make its presense known. Pondering whether I should get that shirt I saw in the mall the other day that says "I'm not fat bitch, I'm pregnant!" I think suits the situation at the Zack got to hear the heartbeat for the first time today (he still thinks it's an alien lol) which was at 155 beats a minute... I guess 'he' is getting alittle winded with all that growing going on in there! We find out the sex this Saturday which is super exciting... I'd like to know who the hell has been kicking the shit out of me for the past 2 weeks. I mean I know it's alittle cramped in there but it's starting to get personal! lol

Monday, July 20, 2009

*Baby Names*

Hey guys! Well we will be finding out the sex of the baby this Saturday, July 25th and we are still looking for baby names! So far we have come up with one for each but I would like some input on some names... any suggests please post! The middle and last names are set so we need first names. Here the names we have come up with so far:

Girl's Name: Kaylee Jo Kelly.... we also thought of Lily
Boy's Name: Westin David Kelly... we also thought of Aidan or Easton

any name suggests please post... more help the better!! Thanks!

Friday, June 19, 2009

*15* weeks down!

15 weeks down....25 more to go!

The past 5 weeks haven't been all that bad...nausea is gone and got to relax in the bahamas w/ the hubby! Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it was going to be... hopefully it's smooth sailing from here *crosses fingers*! Showin a little more now which is doing nothing for my girlish figure or my woredrobe. But what I can't understand is...WHY AM I LOSING WEIGHT?!? Just curious, but aren't you suppose to gain weight when you are preggo? So definitely have lost 10lbs. since I've been knocked up and not understanding how I can eat 6 small meals a day and still not gain weight... wow this baby is definitely a fat kid! Got to hear the baby's heartbeat at the last appointment which was 160 beats a minute... that thing is getting busy in there! The hubby has preceeded to start calling 'it' a 'he' thinking this will magically make the baby a boy... well I guess it is really his decision right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

*10* weeks down!

10 weeks down...30 more to go!

geez this already looks like a long uphill hike, can I just stop and maybe grab a snack for the long haul? Not too much going on expect I'm losing weight? well this might be from the fact that my stomach has decided to join the olympics cuz food is not my friend right now. My 'inner' fat kid has decided to start making itself visible at only 10 weeks. It could have waited a few more after we told the parents maybe? On the bright side, I guess, is this first trimester is almost over; maybe it'll take its nausea with it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Addition

Didn't expect this to be so soon but.... looks like there is going to be a new addition to our small Navy family. Well I mean I am bringing my dog, Scooter, up to stay with us in about a week or so but that's not it. oh and we did get a new chocolate lab puppy, Dixie, but that's not it either. Yep, you guessed it I'm all kinds of knocked up! lol Took 5 pregnancy tests (ok so I was alittle in denial..but who wouldn't be right?) and they were all positive! But just considering this is a serious medical issue, I strolled my happy butt down to the doctor's office for an ultrasound and she confirmed it as well.... I'M PREGGO!! Now the funniest part of this whole entry is how I told the hubby. I wanted to think of a clever yet funny way to tell him and since we are impulsive people and when we go places the phrase "Baby, can we get ___?" usually ends in a new truck, a puppy, a motorcycle, a million dollars, etc., I felt this had potential. So as we were riding around and happen to pass a Babys-r-us I proceeded to ask "Baby, can we get a baby?"and of course the answer that followed was "no". Unfortunately for him this wasn't exactly an I responded with, "Too bad" and the facial expression that followed was one of a mentally retarded deer in headlights. Don't worry, he was very excited after his recovery from his brief aneurysm and many panic attacks... especially after he got to see the ultrasound the doctor took at my emergency visit. However, what I didn't know was I was going to be held against my will and demanded that I produce a boy!

*Updates and Belly pics to come!*

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gettin Hitched!

Well it's official.... I'm 'legally' a married woman!! We have set our wedding date for August 22, 2009 for our family and friends, but when you are in love with your best friend and you're just going to get married in 6 months anyway might as well reap the military benefits til then right? So we strolled on down to the Virginia Beach Municpal Center and got hitched! I'm wondering if we are the first couple to make the magistrate crack up laughing during his speech? I mean we couldn't help but giggle through the entire process, I mean come on... we are best friends and the thought of being stuck with each other til our bodies rust and fall apart like a beat up run down pinto... it's amusing! I plan on talking shit to him the entire way but that's the best part about marriage right? ok well maybe not, but at least we 'like' each other... don't we?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Proposal

So I made the first 'big' step in our relationship and moved up to VA to be closer to Zack. I've been living here since Thanksgiving and can't say I'm a huge fan of the area but I'm def. a fan of getting out of Cheraw...small towns are nice but after a while it tends to make you pull your hair out! We've had our first christmas together which was great and things apparently have turned into a serious consideration of the future. We have been talking about marriage for a little while and we both feel the same way about the idea. We both went out to eat to spend some time together since both of us work all the time. For the past week he has been telling me how scared he was about us and about losing me when he went on deployment and I to basic training and AIT. To my surprise, when we got home we proceded to sit down and talk about everything and he confessed his love for me and pulled out a black box with a gorgeous engagement ring inside and asked me to be his ol' lady! Typical of him but definitely a moment I will never forget for the rest of my life!