Friday, September 18, 2009

*28* weeks down!

28 weeks down! 12 more to go!

This week has been interesting and weird all at the same time. I've finally gotten the wedding scrapbook done so I am now free to start on Cassie's scrapbook! The hubby has finally finished the crib so I now have time to start decorating the nursery in her cute little winnie the pooh decor! I can't wait til the baby showers so I will know what all I will have to decorate the nursery in! Cassie has definitely decided to make herself 'well' known this week. I can honestly say that I was a little freaked out when she decided to poke her head up out of the top of my tummy a couple of times this week. I'm assuming she has finally filled out what room she has in my tummy and is trying to stretch out a bit! It was also a little weird for Zack when we were taking a shower the other night and he said he could see the outline of where she was curled up under my belly button. It's also a little weird to sit up in bed at night and watch her kick and push either side of my tummy around contorting it into weird shapes. I may say that it feels weird now but I know that when she gets here, that will be the thing I miss the most is her kicking and squirming and feeling her every moment in my tummy. I guess you could call it our bonding time! No new symptoms this week...thank god!! I officially start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks as of Oct. 1st so we will be moving along a little more faster now that we are making our way down the final stretch. This week welcomes the third trimester and I can definitely see the checkered flag!!


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