Monday, January 25, 2010

Trip to Memaws

Well this past week our wonderful Daddy had to go underway since they just got done with their ship inspection. We hated to have him gone for a week, but we made the best of it by taking advantage of this week to head down to memaws!! We had such a great time and as always Cassidy was such a good girl. She loved going shopping and out to eat. We went out to eat at Luigi's, which is my favorite italian restaurant in Fayetteville,NC, and just as soon as we had finished our lunch she start squirming because she wanted to have her bottle then and there. lol She said she wanted to eat out with the girls too! Aunt Ivy came to see us one afternoon and played around and caught up on all of our current drama as always lol. We had a couple of days of Girls Day Outs which are always the best. She got tons of clothes since she is now in 3month old clothes :(  and a few toys to start playing with now that she is so much more active. Mommy got a bunch of non-preggo clothes which was very much needed! Even Daddy got some goodies that we brough back for him!

I also got my birthday presents early. I got a Wii w/ Wii Fit & plus, a workout kit, super mario, storybook game for Cassidy, and Wii resort for me and daddy to play with. I also got a pretty brown NorthFace jacket which is so warm and goes great with all the new clothes! Memaw has always known my taste in clothes...and well my taste in everything really! We miss her oh so much and we will be planning more trips down when Daddy has to go underway again!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daddy's Cake

Okay so I thought I would do something the great wife that I am lol....and fix my beloved husband a cake just to say we love him. He has been working his butt off at work and working late hours so he hasn't had much time to spend with us and he texts me throughout the day to tell us he loves and misses us. I thought it was so sweet that he surprised me last weekend and took a few days of leave just so we could have 3 1/2 days to ourselves to spend time together as a family. It was really great and I loved every minute of it! He was really bummed to have to start back work yesterday and he dragged himself in the house at 12:30am after a LONG day at work. Poor baby was so tired and I fixed him a sandwich while he played with Cassidy before we all cuddled up to go to bed. It took him forever just to get out of bed this morning to head back to work by 6am. I felt so bad for him and so I decided to make him a cake just to show him how much we love him and appreciate all that he does for us! It is a white cake with white chocolate chips inside and chocolate fudge icing on top!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cassidy's Blog

I have created Cassidy her own blog! I will be posting new entries as she gets older to show her growth and progress. And of course.... plenty of pictures too! I'll keep ya'll updated on her doctor visits, milestones, and achievements that she has every step of the way! She is our miracle baby so of course we cherish every second of her in our lives! please feel free to read and comment!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"My Thoughts Exactly"

I have recently decided that for 2010 I will be starting a new blog devoted to my thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Basically, my own personal virtual diary of my mind. I know... scary thought, but it's better than wasting trees and I've never been the one to be a closed book. Feel free to check it out. Comment or read just for pure nosiness! lol Enjoy!