Monday, September 28, 2009

*29* weeks down!!

29 weeks down! 11 to go!!

Wow so much has went on in the past week I think my head is still spinning! Last week was definitely hectic and was not filled with much sleep at all. One night I woke up with an terrible pain in my left side that had me balling out crying and unable to walk, but after I called the doctor the next morning they told me that she was on a nerve which caused the pain and told me to make sure I change positions in the middle of the night so she wont lay so long on one side considering she is losing room to squirm around. She is definitely one to make her presence known! Zack got to see her face through my tummy one night when she pushed her head up like she has been doing a lot here lately. We can now also add swollen feet and ankles to the list of things I hate about being preggo. Last night was a little scary because when we got back home from our trip to SC, we noticed that my feet, ankles, and legs were swollen really bad! I proped my legs up for the night and they went down a little this morning but when I got up to go to the bathroom and to eat breakfast they had swelled again. After checking my blood pressure and noticing that it was elevated too high, I called the doctor and, to cut a long medical story short, she told me I was being put on bed rest until my doctor's appointment on thursday and to keep my blood pressure monitored. The hubby has been amazing about taking care of me and I would probably be pulling my hair out if it wasn't for him! Hopefully my appointment on Thursday will be positive and things will sort themselves out for the better. We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping these next few weeks will go by fast cuz we are so ready to see our beautiful baby girl!!


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