Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Sugar Drink

Hunger pains, needles, and sugar drinks were not the best thing to wake up thinking about today. I would even chalk it up to rolling out of the wrong side of the bed. I thought my insides were going to eat themselves alive when I woke up this morning and all I could picture was Cassie knawing on her umbilical cord in hunger. We finally got to the doctor's office where they hand you a bottle of red fruit punch containing 50 grams of sugar and say "here, chug this and bring it back when your done so we can time you". The last time I heard someone tell me to 'chug' anything liquid was in college so this already put a bad taste in my mouth. It didn't settle too well on an empty stomach, but it apparently put Cassie in a good mood and my image of her had changed to the little squirrel off of Over the Hedge saying "oooo sugar"! They checked Cassie's heartbeat, which is now at 152 beats, and sent me to take a 35 minute cat nap until they decided to take my blood. Cassie left with a clean bill of health and the hubby and I left on empty stomachs searching for any place that sold edible food. We ended up at IHOP which made Cassie super excited for chocolate chip pancakes considering she kept kicking me every 3 minutes in rememberance that she is still hungry. I think 'she' was more of the cranky one today than I was and 'I' was the only one that got stuck with needles!!

The next doctor's appointment is set for September 17th.


Jennie Polson

Want to hear another thing we have in common? Chocolate Chip Pancakes. Love them with whipped cream. IHOP is the first place I ever had them as well. Funny!

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