Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our First Christmas

This christmas was a christmas of firsts... Our first christmas being married, Cassidy's first christmas, and our first christmas as a family!! We had a great christmas, if I must say so myself! It was nice to just have us 3 here at home for a quiet and relaxing christmas together. The hubby and I challenged each other to see who had the better stocking stuff from 'Santa' I must say that he did a great job, but I think I won! Cassidy was not a happy camper with us waking her up to come see what all she got for christmas. I definitely can't wait until next year when we can really play 'Santa' with her! I would have to say my favorite present that I got, other than the brand new laptop, would have to be the bracelet that the hubby got me. It is 10k white gold bracelet with Zack, Sam, & Cassidy engraved on each link with our birthstones beside our names. It is beautiful and I wanted to cry. The hubby's fav is his mossy oak clemson sunglasses by far, even over his new digital camera! The hubby passed out the gifts and after we were done opening all of them, I got started on christmas dinner! We had ham, corn, lima beans, and macaroni & cheese and for desert we had homemade white chocolate macadamia nut cookies! It was delicious if I must say so myself! Here are some of my pics of our first christmas together as a family!
*Cassidy all ready for Santa to come!*Yeah! Santa came!
*all of my gifts

*All the hubby's gifts!

*Cassidy and her gifts! Not happy about being woke up! lol


[ m.e. ] billingsley

Looks like yall had a great Christmas! Lots of goodies for everyone!! Happy Holidays!

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