Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cassidy's First Shopping Trip

Today, Cassidy and I went on our first shopping trip since Daddy had duty all night. She has been stuffed up the past couple of days, so I assumed that the fresh air would help clear her up alittle. So I got her all snuggled up and cute as always and and ready to go shopping! She is in training for one of memaw's many girl's day out shopping trips!! We went to Babies-r-us and got a humidifier and of course an outfit or two before we headed to the mall. Then it was mommy's turn to do some much needed clothes shopping with our christmas money and gift cards! Normally, she sleeps through every outting we have had so far, but this time she decided that she would definitely participate! She had everyone oogling over how cute she is and how small she is for her age and she ate it up...cooing and smiling and kissy faces! She is a little stinker! By the time we got home, she was more than ready for her bottle and apparently shopping literally pooped her out! lol She had a major poop diaper that overflowed out of the diaper! Definitely the highlight of our day!
*all ready to go shoppingwith mommy!

*kisses for my little bit!*finally pooped out after a 4hr shopping trip!


billingsley designs - erica b.

Too cute! Starting her out early on shopping sprees!

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