Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 1 in the NICU

It has now been one week since my sweet baby girl was born! She is already growing up so fast! I can honestly say this week has been the hardest for us, especially me. Everyday we go to see her, it gets harder and harder to leave. She always does something new everytime we come in to see her...she is just a ham! lol I love to the way grins when we talk to her and wraps those long fingers around her daddy's finger and hope she always has to be sprawled out when she sleeps. She is definitely our little monkey!

This entire week so has been a complete overachiever! She started eating 2.5cc the beginning of the week and now she is up to 5cc! She isn't using her tanning bed anymore and she is pooping regularly! I got to hold her for the first time yesterday and it melted my heart. She even got to breathe without her little air nose thingy for a whole hour! (the air nose thingy just blows a small amount of air through her nose to make sure her lungs stay open..just alittle breathing assistance but she breaths on her own) She went from weighting 2.2lbs to now weighting in at 2.5lbs! She will definitely be fat and sassy in no time!!

I'm hoping if she keeps up the good work, she won't have to be there for too long. I'm crossing my fingers she gets to come home before thanksgiving. I would be more than thankful for the blessing. Words can not express how proud I am of her and all of her little accomplishments! She has definitely stolen my heart and I can not begin to describe how great it feels to be a mommy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cassie's BabyBlog

I have started a BabyBlog for Miss Cassidy Jo to keep everyone updated on her progress and to display pics as well. I'm doing it like a journal so every night I will post a journal entry of her progress for the day. Feel free to share the website with as many people that would enjoy following Cassie's progress. We appreciate all the support we can get for our little angel!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cassidy Jo Kelly

This week has been amazingly hectic and overwhelming that I'm not sure where to really start. Tuesday I was admitted into the hospital for mild preclampsia because my blood pressure was 187/128 and I was at risk of having seizures. I was sent to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital and had tests run for 3 days to monitor mine and Cassie's progress. Everything seemed fine and I was almost discharged home when they preformed a stress test on Cassie Friday morning and it seemed her heart rate was not fluctuating and her movement had decreased. They decided to do an emergency C-section to make sure Cassie was ok and the preclampsia had not gotten to her. Everything had went so fast and I was going from getting discharged and hoping Cassie would not want to get here for another 2-4 weeks to becoming a mommy in 10 minutes!

While preforming the C-section, they realized what the initial problem was. The placenta had seperated from the uterus due to the preclampsia and Cassie was not getting the blood flow and oxygen she needed. She was exhausted and on her last leg when they got her out just in time. God was definitely watching over us that day!

Cassidy Jo Kelly was born Friday, October 2, 2009 @ 1:29pm weighting 2.2lbs and 15in long! She is now in NICU and is the biggest baby there! lol She is doing amazing and is breathing on her own. Zack says she looks just like me and is just as fiesty! She does not like to be messed with and as long as you lay her on her tummy and give her her pacifier she is content! lol Words can not describe my love for her and I know she will pull through with flying colors. Just when you think you know the beauty of true love, here comes the most beautiful little girl in the world to completely change your perspective on love! That little girl has mine and her daddy's hearts wrapped around her finger and we haven't even held her yet. I will be posting new blogs here on her progress so you all will know how she is doing week to week until she gets to come home! Although I know God is watching over her, please keep us in your prayers for our long journey ahead!